Zerona-Austin, Texas

To help you find the right Zerona provider in Austin, we have put together a list of the most frequently asked questions regarding the procedure. Zerona, one of the most popular liposuction procedures in Austin, Texas is a less invasive form of liposuction with much less downtime. Read on to find out more about Zerona, or schedule a free consultation with one of our Austin Zerona specialists now.

What is Zerona?

Zerona is a revolutionary method of liposuction that uses the power of low-level lasers to liquefy targeted body fat. After the procedure, the body naturally eliminates the unwanted fat through the body’s lymphatic system.

Why should I choose Zerona?

Clinical studies have shown that Zerona’s low-level laser emulsifies fat cells without the need for anesthesia or lengthy recovery times. Zerona is a painless procedure, and is ideal for Austin area patients who are looking for an alternative to invasive liposuction procedures.

How is Zerona different than traditional liposuction?

Standard liposuction is a very invasive surgery that removes fat cells from the desired areas using a cannula (a hollow stainless steel tube) and vacuum to target the fat. This type of liposuction requires either general anesthesia or other forms of sedation. It entails a significant recovery time, usually several weeks, and can be painful during recovery.

Zerona is a non-invasive type of liposuction that uses a laser to stimulate, emulsify, and release fat. This procedure requires no anesthesia, no numbing agents, needles, or downtime. Appointments can be accomplished in less than an hour, with the patient immediately returning to their daily activities. Read enough, find Zerona specialists in Austin now.

How is it different from other "non-invasive" body slimming techniques?

Zerona’s laser technique is the only completely safe and effective non-invasive treatment for removing unwanted body fat.

Is there any downtime with Zerona?

No, there is no downtime with Zerona treatments. In addition, there is no discomfort and no anesthesia during the procedure. Patients can resume normal activities at the end of each treatment.

If I’m undergoing Zerona treatments, are there any activities I should avoid?

No, patients can continue to do the things they love while having Zerona treatments, however remaining hydrated, eating healthy and walking at least 30 minutes a day are recommended. As alcohol and caffeine can interfere with the lymphatic drainage, we suggest that they be avoided to obtain optimum results. Get a free Austin Zerona consultation now by completing our short form.

What area of the body is Zerona useful for?

In clinical studies, Zerona has proven to be useful for fat reduction in the waist, thighs, and hips, or areas where localized fat deposits seem resistant to diet and exercise.

Is Zerona safe?

Yes, there is no risk with the procedure, and Zerona is considered to be a safe alternative to other invasive liposuction procedures. Zerona is 100% non-invasive, requires no anesthesia, and causes no bruising, scaring, or downtime.

How much does Zerona cost in Austin, Texas?

While many physicians run specials on this groundbreaking body fat removal technique, Austin patients can expect to pay between $2,000 and $3,000 for a course of treatment.

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Zerona in Austin, Texas. Find Austin plastic surgeons that specialize in Zerona and other types of laser liposuction techniques.