SmartLipo-Austin, Texas

Getting the facts about the types of liposuction that are available in the Austin area will give you the information you need to make a smart choice for your needs. Smartlipo, one of the latest liposuction procedures, is becoming very popular to target areas of the body where weight loss is sometimes more difficult. Read our Smart Lipo FAQ’s below to learn more, or visit our Smartlipo Austin surgeons’ page to schedule a consultation today.

What is Smartlipo?

Smartlipo is a less invasive, safer, and in many cases less expensive way to remove unwanted fat and contour areas of the body. It has been proven over and over to provide similar results to traditional liposuction procedures.

Why should I choose Smartlipo?

Smartlipo is a great solution for people who are afraid to undergo the traditional types of liposuction. The procedure is done in a physician’s office, and does not require general anesthesia. It is a great way to remove fat from stubborn areas of the body, and has far less complications than traditional liposuction procedures. In addition, Smartlipo is less expensive, and the recovery from the procedure is much shorter. Schedule a consultation with a Smartlipo Austin provider today.

Is Smartlipo the right choice for my needs?

While being less expensive, less invasive, and a cutting-edge liposuction technique, the right candidates must still meet certain requirements. Our Smartlipo doctors in Austin will help you establish if you are a good candidate. In the meantime, review the following parameters to see if you would qualify for the procedure.

Smartlipo Austin- Are you a good candidate for Smart Lipo?

  • You must be generally in good health
  • You cannot be morbidly obese. For the procedure to provide optimum results, patients are usually required to be within 25 lbs. of their ideal weight
  • You cannot be pregnant or breastfeeding
  • You must be of the right age to receive elective procedures without parental consent. Minors cannot provide this consent on their own
  • If you have ever had heart failure, kidney or liver disease, you should not have Smartlipo
  • If you have an infection, you should wait until you are healthy to schedule this type of surgery

How much is Smartlipo in Austin, Texas?

As with all cosmetic procedures, the areas to be treated will determine the cost. Smartlipo in Austin typically runs between $1,700 and $4,500 per treated area. Again, these are only estimates, but Smartlipo is usually at least 30% less expensive than traditional liposuction procedures.

How is Smartlipo different from traditional liposuction?

Smartlipo uses the latest medical technology, the laser, to remove unwanted body fat. When the high intensity laser beam is used, the fat is liquefied and then sucked out with a small cannula, a thin metal tube. Smartlipo provides an approach that is safer and much less intrusive for the permanent removal of unwanted body fat.

In addition, Smartlipo is done in a physician’s office, and does not require general aesthesia like traditional liposuction. The affected area is rubbed with lidocaine, a numbing agent that keeps the patient from experiencing any pain during the procedure. Once the area has numbed, the laser is used to liquefy the fat deposits. The procedure is great for small, localized areas of body fat that are difficult to remove through traditional liposuction or diet and exercise.

A final advantage of Smartlipo over traditional liposuction is that the energy that is produced using the laser heats up the surrounding skin, causing it to firm and tighten.

Will the Smart Lipo procedure hurt?

The advanced technologies used in Smartlipo leave little to no pain. Most patients report that over-the-counter painkillers are more than sufficient for any pain that results from the procedure.

When will I see results from SmartLipo?

Austin Smartlipo doctors report that patients will see results immediately after the procedure. Optimum results will become apparent in 2 to 4 months after the surgery.

If you’ve read enough and are ready for your free consultation, just visit our Smartlipo Austin doctors page to find a physician near you.

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Smartlipo in Austin, Texas. Find Austin cosmetic surgeons that specialize in Smartlipo and other laser liposuction techniques.